Articles > Plants Plus

Fall Color

Continuing Education Hours: Claim 2 hours if you watch the video, do the reading and complete the quiz.

This Plants Plus focuses on fall color.

You’ll learn about:

  • The reasons trees lose leaves in the fall.
  • The science behind red and yellow leaf colors.
  • Different uses for fallen leaves

WATCH: The Physiology of Fall Color



Read the following article to reinforce concepts of fall color.

  • Leaf Color Change in Autumn, University of Wisconsin-Madison Extension
    • You’ll note that in this article, it mentions how the red anthocyanin pigments are produced in fall “to help shade leaf photosynthetic systems from bright sunlight”. This may strike you as different than what the video says. The presenter talks about how the specific research she did on maples did not find evidence to support this statement. It’s a good time to point out that there are lots of specifics in science. The presenter makes sure to note that while her research on senescing maples does not support the idea that anthocyanins provide either significant additional antioxidant or light screening benefits, there is evidence that this is true for other plant species.
  • Don’t Bag It- Leaf Management Plan, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension
    •  Once you hit the sections about composting, you can STOP reading. (About halfway down)
    • A guide talking about how you can plan to use the valuable nitrogen found in fallen leaves.


Once you complete the quiz, you’ve earned 2 hours of continuing education.

Report your continuing education hours in the Online Reporting System.

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